6 months in 40 seconds
Where has the time gone?! It was only the blink of an eye ago we picked up the keys to

Content writing is brilliant, but f*cking hard!
Content writing is hard. Brilliant, but hard. You wouldn’t think so, would you? How could sitting in a comfy office

Ellie Borrowdale speaks to Product 51 about start-up life
Hello. Meet Ellie. Ellie Borrowdale, Product Director at Pollen. Check out Pollen on LinkedIn and you will see Pollen as a Global Tech

Too many candidates, not enough jobs!
We often say time flies, normally that is followed by ‘when we are having fun.’ However, on this occasion it

Riding the lion. My 6 months in a start-up
Imagine a man riding a lion. People look at him and think: ‘This guy has really got it together! He’s

The Great Resignation or The Great Toe-dip?
Have you heard of the great resignation 2021? In short, the world and their dog are resigning their jobs as they’ve

life in a start-up? Everyday is a school day
Digital 51 is 6 months old already, it sounds a little cliché, but it feels more like 6 weeks! Taking

Sit tight people, this will be interesting!
Another month and another new initiative from the team at Digital 51! This time Simon is stepping into the fray

It’s good to be back!
‘Passion, the ability to be creative and above all the people’ These were the words I jotted down just over