Candidates are dead. Long live people.
‘AA has it’s 12 steps. Grief has its 7 stages. Now candidates have their 4-levels.’ ‘Candidates.’ I am going to

As the business grows – We grow!
Another exciting announcement for Digital 51 today. When Digital 51 was launched we wanted to put our brand, content, and

Test & Tech – Still the perfect match?
I have a secret for you. Testing has been a problem long before a global pandemic virus called Covid 19

Planning is the real winner on Sunday
I know in many respects now is not the time for a level-headed view of things. I’m aware right now

Clear communication is not just for Covid
‘What we now need is clear communication, so people are best informed, to make the right decision for them personally.’

One small step equals one giant leap for Personal Development
Personal Development. It can be hard to carve out the time to level up your skills outside of the day

Are you in the Culture Club?
What is important to you when it comes to work? Aside from the general tick-list of obvious must-haves, you know;

Interviews on Demand – Are you ready?
It’s astonishing when you think about it, how far we have come so far in such a short space of

Yes, you read correctly, I said T.W.a.T
I wonder where you a reading this? Are you at home? Are you working remotely? Or are you in the