Digital 51 creating sound with Sonus PR
Digital 51 is excited to confirm Sonus PR as the latest business to embrace the digital recruitment agency as their

Social Media; Friend or foe?
Oh boy has this article got under my skin! Social media as part of the recruitment process; force for good,

Penalties and pay-rises – Are you on target?
Penalty shootouts Eurovision Predicting the weather Understanding whether we are at a party or work Talking about money There

Let’s be honest, this is a shit-show
Look I know describing any situation as a shit-show in a professional environment is less than ideal. I also know

If you can’t find something, create it.
Digital 51 was founded on FOUR key beliefs, principals, or ambitions if you will. All require context and detail, but

Crushing the creative content curse
I love content creation. I love content writing. I love content consumption. I LOVE content. All of the above is

The feeling of dread is real
I’ve come to realise I don’t dread many things. I don’t dread work, even when I don’t enjoy it, I

Work/life balance is not about location
I don’t know about you, but lately my LinkedIn feed is split, not evenly, I’d say a good 70/30, but

What is the point in a notice period?
What is the point in a notice period? This is the question I have been asking myself for some time